ATTENTION: Chronically Ill Women, Especially With Mysterious Symptoms

Discover The Real Answers to Your Nightmare of 
Bizarre Symptoms and Chronic Illnesses
How You Can Get Your Health Back For Real  
Even if your doctor said 
“There is nothing you can do” or
 “There are no answers” or 
“It’s all in your head”
Did You Know That 
 Most Cases Of Chronic Illnesses 
Are Actually Just SYMPTOMS Of 4 Virtually Unknown 
Underlying Health Conditions That Mimic Many Illnesses & 
Strange Symptoms, Such As:
Neurological; Numbness & Tingling, ANEMIA, Migraines, SUICIDAL
Headache, ADD/ADHDHashimoto’s, GERD, Diabetes, INFERTILITY, Itchiness
SENSITIVITY TO Foods, Light, Sound, Weather, LEAKY GUT, Severe Hunger, ENDOMETRIOSIS
Diarrhea, ALLERGIES, Constipation, INSOMNIA, Nightmares, CHRONIC FATIGUE, Obesity, OCD
CANCER, Paralysis, BRAIN FOG, Lupus, HORMONAL IMBALANCES, Low Blood Sugar, PAINS, Skin Rashes
Eczema, Wheezing, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, Asthma, Sweating, ADRENAL FATIGUE, High/Low Blood Pressure, POTS, Cardiovascular Problems, DIFFICULTY LOSING WEIGHT, Sinuses Problems, Thirst 
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, Weight Gain or Loss, ALZHEIMER’S, Seizures, Double Vision  
Autism, Nausea, PMS, Muscle Pain, Coughing, LOW THYROID
ARTHRITIS, Psychosis, Symptoms Often Change 
Multiple Diagnoses or Frequent Change of Diagnosis
and many more...
Did you also know that...
Over 12,000,000 Patients Are Misdiagnosed
Each Year In The U.S. Alone?

And Many More Are Told
"It's All In Your Head" By Their Doctors 
Because They Can't Believe The Patient's Bizarre Symptoms?

This misdiagnosis can lead to serious permanent damage, or even death.

You live in constant fear that your symptoms will get worse
 and it eats you alive leaving you very little energy to enjoy your life.

Don't you wish there were answers to your brutal symptoms, pains, or 
chronic illnesses?

And not just empty answers with open ends, but clear answers that give you hope,
 real solutions to your nightmare, and also get support, 
so you can have your health back and truly enjoy your life again?
The Problem Is
Doctors Do Not Have Any Answers 
To Your Many Symptoms & Chronic Illnesses
You know that if you don’t find the answers and take action, you’ll stay in your 
never ending nightmare that you cannot wake up from.

In fact, as time goes by, 
the condition of your health only gets worse - digging a deeper hole
inevitably living a life in a tunnel of darkness, pain, and suffering, 
not to mention the horrible side effects of the drugs that you may be taking. 

You wish there was a magic wand so you could say,
"I want all my illnesses, pains, and symptoms to disappear,
and never deal with any of it ever again,
 and finally enjoy my life like my friends do."

I do not have a magic wand, but 
I do have exactly what you've been so frantically searching for  - 
the true answers and solutions to your chronic illnesses and strange symptoms.

You see, for years I lived in a world of sickness, darkness, suffering, and desperation
with no exit.

I was living with death every single day... 
standing directly in front of you, and you can feel ITS BREATH on your face every second of your life. 

like the most obedient servant to its higher powers, FOR THE COMMAND TO REAP YOU.
It’s hunger for me was indescribable.

But death didn’t show up alone, it wanted me to feel “the world of the dead”.

It was as if I was hanging off a cliff and I could feel how mortal I was - just like a snowflake under the sun. I quickly saw how precious my life was. There was no time to get mad or hate. All I wanted was to love everything that exists.

The clock was ticking above my head and I could feel my last minutes, but something was holding me back…

Something greater didn’t want me to die. It wanted me to wake up, learn the true essence of life and health. It threw me into a burning fire and skinned me alive so I could feel the pains of a sick and desperate person.

It cursed me with many chronic illnesses and mysterious symptoms all at once, and there was no escape or waking up from it, because it was all REAL.


My name is Olga Dakiv,  and I am a mother to my incredible son and a wife to my amazing husband. 

You see, all my life I believed I was healthy because of my clean lifestyle; eating whole foods, exercising, taking my supplements, and building my dream career. I even went to school to earn a Masters and PhD in Nutrition for Sport and Health to know more. I believed I knew it all and that nothing could hurt me.

Until one day when all my dreams, health, and life were swept away by a flood of chronic illnesses and very strange symptoms.

I Was a Prisoner of My Worst Living Nightmare

My mind was in paralysis and I was screaming inside, “God, you made a mistake. What did I do wrong? I’m the one who always lived a healthy life… Why me? This can’t be happening to me. So many people abuse their lives, and yet they don’t have even half the health problems that I acquired over one short second. This must be a dream! PLEASE, wake me up.” But there I was, living a reality of pain and suffering, with no escape from my living-hell.

It was a true earthquake in my mind that completely destroyed everything that I knew and believed about health and life.

All my fancy knowledge about health was burned into ash, and I realized that I didn't really know anything. Healthy eating, exercising, supplements... they're all just surface dust that can be blown away by any strong wind of life. 

The illnesses kept flooding me and I was drowning in pains and discomfort, being completely tortured in my jailed life.

I couldn’t have any fun with my family or friends, I couldn't go out anywhere, or even think about traveling. I couldn't even walk to the bathroom, I could only crawl there.

No one could see my pains or my slashed soul. It was as if I was an invisible empty vessel walking the earth. 

There was no life.

I was trapped in the dark world of sickness and suffering with no exit, yet my soul wanted to live.

My Frantic Search For an Answer

When I would tell doctors my symptoms, they were mesmerized, literally looking at me like a deer in the headlights!

They couldn't wrap their head around how someone, so young and healthy just yesterday, could have so many health problems today, and instantly acquired them all over one second.

They didn’t have any answers for me except offering me a whole pharmacy of prescription drugs.

I felt like I was left alone to die in a dark corner of fear and hopelessness because doctors weren't willing to think even just a bit beyond their experience.

I had exhausted absolutely everything, walking out of many clinics with empty hands, never finding any answers.

At some point, I gave up and was guessing how much time I had left, and how many times I will hug my son and say, “I love you” before I am gone. 

All my life I was eating healthy, and exercising, and yet here I was telling my husband:

“Honey, I love you! I don’t think I am going to make it… I will miss you! No one has any answers, not even well-known doctors or authors. No one can help me! My heart won’t be able to go for much longer, my body is falling apart and fast… I can feel it.”

Tears were running down on our faces because we both knew that I had only a short time left to live.

My immune system was falsely reacting to sun, water, foods, and everything in between, combined with other chronic illnesses.

My Biggest Fear and Pain

I was scared of my illnesses getting worse. This thought was eating me alive. 

However, my fear and emotional pain of leaving my son was much stronger than my life coming to an end.

Imagine telling your child that he will never see you again, or when your child has a difficult time in his life and you are not there to tell him, “Everything will pass and heal. I love you with all my heart and that's all that matters!” He would be missing his mother’s love and warmth during his most difficult times in his life.

I was hiding my pains and desperation from my son inside my invisible tears, which were full of fear of not raising him and not seeing him growing up.

It was as if a knife was piercing through my stomach and I couldn’t breathe, knowing that when my son needs me, I wouldn’t be there for him, not even just to hug him.

The physical and emotional pains were out of this world, scratching my soul until it was bleeding every drop of my life.

The guilt of leaving my family was unbearable.

It seemed my death was inevitable. No doctor could help me... even those who did want to help me had no answers, and my frantic search lead to nowhere. 

I was completely stuck, with no exit from this dark tunnel full of agony and pain... a true living-hell that no one seemed to understand.

My Last Chance That Changed Everything 

I was lying lifeless in my bed when a thought ran through my head, "There has to be an answer to my illnesses, they are just symptoms of something much bigger and deeper, I can feel it. I know I am misdiagnosed and the real answers are somewhere else. But where? Who has the answers? Who would know what's going on inside my body?"

Since doctors couldn't give me any answers except a whole pharmacy of prescription drugs and their side effects, I had no choice but to start walking the path that nobody walks, even though all the odds were stacked against me. I had nothing to lose by closing one door and opening another... death is already here waiting for me.

After years of researching, interviewing specialists, trying different drugs and therapies, and spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, I finally found the answers and the demons that set me on fire - the true underlying health conditions, not their surfaces or symptoms.

When I saw the truth and met many people who were also stuck in their world of darkness and suffering, I was in shock to notice that at least 90% of these people, including me, were struggling with these same underlying conditions that most doctors don't even know about. While our symptoms were all quite different, we had the same underlying conditions.

However, I was still a prisoner of these demons. I had to find the true CAUSES of these underlying illnesses, their origin. 

It led me to becoming a creator of my own hell or heaven - whatever I chose to be and live in, versus being a prisoner of life's events. 

Ultimately, along with all the sufferings, I not only found the sprouts of illnesses, but their seeds as well.

After finding the true origin of my illnesses, I quickly realized that the illnesses were inevitable. Was it possible to prevent them? Absolutely! But when you don't know what gives birth to our illnesses, you have very little chance of making it through your life without getting scratched and bleeding to death. And most people get scratched several times throughout their lives, which causes them to bleed more with each scratch until they have no energy to walk through their lives.

I realized, if I wanted to heal myself and everything that surrounds my life, I have to shatter my old beliefs and shed them all off like a snake sheds its old skin. And that is exactly what I did. 

Underneath it all was sitting a perfect, resilient, and graceful woman with true health radiating from the very core of my existence.

And that is TRUE HEALTH! When it truly shines from the very center of you, through your skin, and people can't walk by without noticing this magnificent living flower.

Finding the Answers

Some of my wounds were fully healed, and others left scars. But you see, these scars are serving me now because I command it to be that way! I am the creator of my heaven-on-earth life, and not a prisoner of a burning hell.

Walking from hell to a real heaven-on-earth is a captivating story on its own.

Putting all the answers together was more like playing a puzzle game of “life or death”. It was as if I was walking on a very thin and slippery string - one wrong move and death was there ready to catch me in its arms, so it was very critical to make the right moves at the right times. 

I made some very costly mistakes during my journey to recovery, it almost cost me my life. But without them, I wouldn't have found the answers that were absolutely necessary for my complete recovery, and for becoming who I have become. 

There were many tears and hopeless days as well. I really wished there was someone who'd been where I was, had all the answers, experience, and held my hand along the way to tell me that I was going to be OK. Someone to share her experience with me, give me support, and help me believe that I can make it. But, there was no one ahead of me, no one I could share my concerns with. 

I felt like I was a lonely gazelle in the wild Safari constantly struggling for my survival.

My belief and perseverance over mysterious health conditions eventually brought me to the answers, and my pains made me stronger. I completely reversed all of my mysterious chronic illnesses and strange symptoms in just 4 short months.

And that was all done in spite of the doctors not having any answers for me, and they couldn’t even GUESS what the answers were, and they are most likely never going to find them due to their own choice.

Everything that I went through soaked through my skin and seared onto my soul. You can't just walk into a book store and buy this information because I’ve searched all the bookstores, and – IT'S NOT THERE!

The Truth

You see, I was told "There is no science to support what you are describing...", "Do what doctors tell you because they 'know' best", and so many other unhelpful or even damaging things that support logic.

I learned that a healthy diet, exercise, and supplements aren’t "the answers to all". If they were, then I never would have gotten so deathly sick, and many other so called “healthy people” wouldn’t drop dead from a heart attack or cancer. So there must be something else, and I did solve that mystery too.

After my discovery of the real truth I can say this,

I’m not a religious person, but if I put my health into the doctors’ hands and just sat on my knees praying to God, I think God would’ve taken me into His hands because He knows that the doctors would never have the answers for me.

We trust authorities that we don't really know anything about, and have completely lost our trust towards our own innate wisdom.
“People have given their health
 to their doctor,
their money to their banker,
their soul to the preacher,
their children to the school system,
and in doing so…
have lost the power 
to control their lives.”
John Pope
aka Rolling Thunder

We are scared to turn our heads because of our fear of doing something that the system says otherwise, or what our friends and family may think of us. And many people lose their lives, not because there are no answers (the truth is there are answers), but because of fear! Fear cripples us, and it even costs us our lives. 

My Growth

When you've got nothing to lose... you go all in. Thank God I was on my deathbed! 

I am endlessly grateful for the greater powers that threw me into a fire! Not only because I found the true answers and healed myself 100% from all my illnesses, but also because of who I have become. The old me that was built out of fragile surfaces, like most of us, is fully burnt off, and what's left is the re-awoken true infinite existence of me, and that can't die or be killed.

The payoff that I received was a lot more than what I’d been hoping to get.

Even my husband has changed… I keep telling him, 
“If women knew you, they would all line up to marry you. But yet, I am the lucky one!”


DURING RECOVERY: Intravenous and Neurofeedback                                                   AFTER RECOVERY: Enjoying My Life!        
Intravenous and Neurofeedback
Enjoying My Life!
  • Mental strength, clarity and focus
  • Experiencing a true joy of life and happiness
  • No more allergies or sensitivities to anything​
  • ​I stopped spending thousands of dollars on ineffective and potentially damaging therapies, drugs, supplements, and diets
  • ​​I stopped my frantic search on the internet
  • I didn’t need to see different doctors for different things
  • ​No chronic illnesses, strange symptoms, or pains
  • ​​The relationship with my husband has grown into the most magnificent tree of flowers
  • Staying in phenomenal physique without much effort
  • ​Learned to trust myself, even with all the odds against me
  • Being at peace no matter what​
  • I am truly healthy from the very core of me, and my body is a reflection of that health, just as the rainbow reflects the sunlight
  • ​Personal growth is beyond any of my previous hopes
  • As an extra bonus my feminine beauty was also completely restored: thick, long and soft hair, and skin that is supple and silky without any special treatments or creams. The beauty is just there, from the inside out​
Individual results may vary. No GUARANTEE is provided or implied.
Not even my doctor had seen such a dramatic change in anyone else: from not being able to even drink water 
or walk, to an astonishing physical strength, beauty, mental capacity, 
and free from chronic illnesses and strange symptoms.

But at the end, it's not so much about having health anymore, 
it's about WHO YOU BECOME!

Many people have asked me, "What's the secret?"

And many more people have asked me to write a book with all my answers…

When I found all the answers which were smeared across the world, I wondered, “Why doesn't anybody talk about them, why are there virtually no books written about them? And why don’t those people who know the answers speak louder?” 

I guess maybe that’s why I had to go through this nightmare. The greater powers saw that I could withstand their tests and would be able to put it all together, write it out, and help people like you!

I believe I wasn’t given this sacred information so that I could heal just myself, move on with my life, and at the end of it all take it with me to the grave. It would be wrong of me to walk this earth with this valuable information locked inside of me.
I didn’t suffer for nothing…

This is why I wrote "Miss Diagnosis"

You see, the higher powers didn’t want me to die… they were holding me on the very edge of life and death so that I would wake up, go on my journey to find the truth and the answers to the many mysterious symptoms, illnesses, and autoimmune disease that so many people suffer from. I am here now to help you by offering you all of my experiences and learnings.
Don’t be like “The Drowning Man”:
A man was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.
Soon a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."
The stranded man shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."
So the rowboat went on.
Then a motorboat came by. The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."
To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the motorboat went on.
Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."
To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"
To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat, and then a helicopter, what more did you expect?"
I am offering you my proven experience 
knowledge that can’t be Bought anywhere else
Everything that you’ve been looking for is right here. You’ll never find this information on your own. I spent years researching, interviewing specialists, and trying different drugs and therapies… it cost me over $300,000 and almost my life to find these answers. 

Just imagine how much time, effort, and money it would cost you if you were to try and figure this out on your own… and there is still a risk of you failing. I made some very costly mistakes along the way… you don’t have to go through them.
You can benefit from all of my struggles and efforts by reading my books.

Take my knowledge so you can avoid those mistakes and recover faster.
It's not that far away
 What results do you want for yourself?    What have you always wanted to do? 
  • Feel your health from the very core of your existence
  • Travel the world because you are not exhausted and have no pains 
  • Save money and time on treatments that never solve your core health problems
  • Eat and have fun with your friends and family because you no longer react to foods or feel awful
  • Free yourself from medical doctors and their medications that cause side effects
  • Become your true expression from your heart
  • Spend more time with your children and family because you have all the energy to carry you throughout the day.
  • Build your dream career or business because you now have the mental clarity of crystal glass and the focus of an eagle, and earn more money because of it.
  • Create a magical relationship and love with your husband that is full of understanding and forgiveness
  • Experience a real sense of your true health and happiness, and simply be at ease
  • Gain power over your life's nightmares
All the answers are here!

The amazing thing I learned is that everybody has the exact same level of opportunity
to escape their own living-hell and truly live their life in health and love. 

And that includes YOU!


Here's What Others Are Saying...
"My health issues began over twenty five years ago, I can relate to the stories your books have shared. I too have been living a life of pain and turmoil, never finding the answers as to what, why or how I came to be in this condition. My search has been constant and frustrating to the point where it became more stressful then my condition itself.

The first book Miss Diagnosis grabbed my attention right from the start. As I was reading I became awestruck, I couldn't believe that here before me in black and white was my life as I have been living it for so many years. It is not all in my mind, this is real and not all in my head, there is someone else out there that is going through the same thing I am. That's so empowering, knowing that someone else understands.

Origin of Disease was the more difficult book to read because it begs the reader to look within themselves, and that is not always an easy thing to do, because over time, who you really are is no longer there. This book is packed full of information with easy to follow directions on what the reader needs to guide them to seek the best medical help possible.

The 13 steps to a healthy body and mind, in Roadmap to Health, were inspiring. These steps are easy to understand, yet filled with motivation.

It's a rare thing for me to have someone who can relate to what I have been dealing with, both mentally and physically. Your books have given me the information, and the ammunition, to fight for a healthy and happy life. I have learned so much about my health issues, and have gained a new sense of acceptance, hope and determination. 

Thank you for freeing me from my own self doubt.

Your story, your knowledge, and clear content will be an enormous benefit for family and friends to better understand what living with ailments is all about. You give your readers an alternative, a renewed hope, and strength to try again."
Jane - Gander, Newfoundland
"These books are absolutely lovely and I couldn’t even put them down. I just love how your life stories caught my attention. There need to be more books like these.

They definitely helped me out, as well as understanding mental health more. It was like being told a story, and not some silly book telling me what and how to do it. I loved these books and they were an eye opener, I didn’t even wanna put them down. 

I am excited for any other books you write. Keep on writing because they are awesome. I could read these over & over!"
Kayla - Calgary, Alberta
"Our spirit is provided with a vessel in which to reside and we are not given the knowledge on how to look after it. I was looking forward to increasing my knowledge from credible sources on how to live in a healthy way. I have not experienced the same health issues as the author but it is important to learn from another's experience, afterall, this method of learning was done for generations before us and we would not be where we are now without it. I sense a great deal of passion in these books and the expression of infectious enthusiasm is the main driver that motivated me as a reader.

I was very interested in the "Overview of the Immune System", and I enjoyed most the concept and discussion of "healthy mind, healthy body", which was focused on the general concept and was expressed in an easy to read format. In the book "Roadmap to Health" I liked the 13 steps to a healthy mind and body.

I also have great amount of respect for the author sharing what could be considered difficult and personal topics of discussion. I realize that teaching others is a form of healing in itself and I thank you for sharing that. I also liked the other examples, anecdotes, analogies, and famous quotations to get the reader thinking about things."
John - Sylvan Lake, Alberta
Individual results may vary. No GUARANTEE is provided or implied.
If only someone had told me that I had false beliefs, and they were holding my health back, 
I wouldn't have suffered for so long or regressed so far deep down with my illnesses.
I’ve done it ALL, nothing works and there are no answers.
  • Beautiful Inspiration Lifestyle
I'd done it all too and been told to, “Eat healthy”, “Exercise”, “Take your drugs and supplements”, “Change your lifestyle”, “There is nothing you can do” and some even had the audacity to tell me, “It’s all in your head”. Despite all my efforts, I wasn’t getting any better. In fact, I only got worse.

I believed, just like you, that there was nothing else I could do to get even a bit better. Out of desperation, I turned my head 180 degrees, against everything that I knew and was told. My journey transformed me into a complete healthy, wise, peaceful, and graceful “Queen of My Existence”. 

Along my transformation, I realized how little these so called “authorities” actually know, mostly due to their own narrow vision.
All those "big gurus" setting you up for a failure, and you innocently believe that there is nothing you can do. 

Just because you’ve exhausted all of your known options, and have been told "There is nothing else you can do", doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the road. We can see only as far as we believe we can see. Let me show you how far you can see… and then you can decide how far you want to go.
Chronic illnesses are irreversible. 
  • Beautiful Inspiration Lifestyle
I was also told, “All you can do is to manage it with drugs that I can give you to help you with your symptoms” or “There is nothing that can be done”. You see, the authority has a huge power over our minds, the decisions that we make, and therefore the outcome of our health. But what if these authorities are wrong? What if there are underlying health conditions that they just simply don’t know about, and because of that ignorance they wrongly believe that there is nothing that can be done, or the only way to manage it is by taking drugs.

But that’s exactly what’s happening! There truly are underlying health conditions that mimic hundreds of illnesses and show through strange symptoms. And unfortunately people are diagnosed with these mimicked illnesses, and are treated for these mimicked illnesses indefinitely, until they die.

Now, what if I told you that these underlying health conditions can be successfully reversed, and with the help of a Beautiful Inspiration Lifestyle your health can be restored. All you have to do to experience it for yourself is join us, the movement of feminine health transformation. The life of your health, peace, and love is just on the other side of this page.
Whatever I touch fails. I'm just no good at anything.
  • Beautiful Inspiration Lifestyle
Just like you, I failed many times in my life at so many things, and when it came to my health at some point I even lost my belief that I could ever get any better. But then I thought, “If I give up, I am destined to die in pain and suffering, it is 100% fail. But if I give myself one more chance, even if there is only 1% chance, then at least there is a possibility that I will find a solution.” 

Despite all the doctors’ predictions of “you can’t change it… you need medication…”, and even my own failures, I still decided to give myself another chance, and that’s exactly how I found the treasure chest that was sitting at the very bottom of the ocean, far from people’s eyes. And now I’m bringing it all to the surface for you to see the real answers. All you have to do is open the chest, read the books, use the sacred information and join Beautiful Inspiration Community to get all the support you need during your health transformation. Only when you go all in, can you expect to see results.

It's not your fault that you weren't able to reverse your chronic illnesses and strange symptoms - you just weren't given the right information and tools. Because I've been where you are, I've developed a roadmap for you to follow so you know with confidence where you are going.
Healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle are only surfaces of health that can be swept away by any storm.

If you want true health that doesn’t unexpectedly throw you into a fire pit,
then don’t build it on the surfaces which all medicine is focused on.

Instead, build it from the core.

Only when you do that can you expect to see the real change in your health.
My book and support will guide you to How You Can Build Your Health From The Very Core Of You And Ultimately Become
Even if your doctor said "It's all in your head", "I don't have an answer", "There's nothing you can do"
  • ​You’ll have all the answers so you don’t have to spend any more time online endlessly searching for answers and buying more books, which means you’ll save a LOT of time and money, and avoid frustration
  • ​You’ll discover the real cause of many chronic illnesses, so you can stop living your life in fear and avoid all the pitfalls which means living life at ease and not dis-ease, and finally being empowered
  • You’ll have a step-by-step recovery plan so you can get results sooner, save your hard-earned money, and finally have the life you've always wanted
  • You’ll know the 4 real illnesses that cause all the mysterious symptoms and many chronic illnesses so you can effectively remove them from your body which means having a truly healthy body and freedom to do the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t before​
  • Written in simple language and avoids medical terminology, so you can easily understand the material which means you’ll really know what’s going on inside the body
  • Written by a woman who has experienced many of these illnesses herself and reversed 100% of her health problems, so you can relate and have the confidence that you can do it too, which means finally taking action​​
Want answers to
strange symptoms,
pains and chronic illnesses 
Are tired of suffering
in the world of sickness
with no exit
Want to be supported,
understood, and empowered
Are tired of missing
out on life 
Want answers to strange symptoms, pains and chronic illnesses 
Are tired of suffering in the world of sickness
with no exit
Want to be supported, understood, and empowered
Are tired of missing
out on life 

Miss Diagnosis

The FIRST And ONLY Book That Tells You 
What Causes Your Pains, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies, Strange Symptoms, Weight Gain, 
Anxiety, Autoimmune Disease...  And
Why Most Therapies FAIL
“Miss Diagnosis” PDF is available immediately for your download. It will shatter your false beliefs about chronic illnesses and mysterious symptoms. This is the book that will show you the truth, where the “demons” are really hiding inside your body that destroy every possible corner of your health. 

You will finally know what to really focus on and what to do. You will feel and see that your second chance to live your gift of life exists, and you will come out of the dark world of fear, pain and struggle.

Additional  FREE  Bonuses Included:

Origin of Disease

The Birthplace of Sickness
Why You Suffer & Why It Exists
Avoid The Pitfalls Of The REAL WORLD
Forgotten Timeless Secrets To
TRUE Health, Beauty & Physique
“Origin of Disease” PDF will reveal who gives birth to disease and where it comes to an end. You must know the answers to them so you can stop stepping on garden forks over and over again and stop living your life in prison. 

You’ll realize that you can become a creator of your own life, experience a true sense of freedom, feel your health from the inside out, become empowered, and have the ability to control your life once again.

Roadmap to Health

You've Endured Being Miss Diagnosed 
You Were Misled On The Origin of Disease
Now Escape From Your Prison of Living Hell
And Experience YOUR Health Transformation 
By Following My 13 Life-Changing Steps
“Roadmap to Health” PDF includes 13 steps to pull you out of your quicksand and set you free. It is written as if I had to start all over again, applying my successful experience from my many years of study and at the same time avoiding all the costly mistakes.

If you are serious about getting your health back and keeping it that way, then you must know and do all 13 steps. If you do them all, the change is inevitable. You will become a Beautiful Inspiration to many other women.

Private Beautiful Inspiration Community

I created this exclusive Facebook community for women like you who wish they could talk to someone who feels and understands their pains and struggles, women who share their experiences and what worked for them. This is the place where you will get support, encouragement, feel empowered, and be inspired by other Beautiful Inspiration women who have been where you are. By joining our group, you will never feel alone again!

Cheat Sheets

They're filled with essential information that is imperative to remember and practice on a daily basis to becoming healthy. Available for you to download and print so you can display them around your house, or carry them with you wherever you go, and read them often to remind you that you are on your way to recovery.    

- Beautiful Inspiration Manifesto
- 13 Steps To Your Health Transformation
- Principles of Health
- List of Low Grade Inflammatory Foods

The Powers Within You

Listen to this audio recording regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, and plant the seeds of health and success. Includes complete instructions on how to get the very most out of this simple yet astonishingly effective exercise.

Comes in .MP3 format, and .M4B format for iTunes.

Goal Card

By learning the truth, joining the Beautiful Inspiration Community, and getting all the support you need, you will feel empowered and confident to build your dreams once again and go after them.

Imagination is truly where our future life begins and where no one can enter to rule your world. For that, it's the most magnificent real gift you have.

Writing down your goal on a card is your first step to taking it seriously and actually moving towards it.
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  • FREE BONUS #2 Roadmap to Health eBook                         ($197 Value)
  • ​FREE BONUS #3 Private BI Community                                   ($97 Value)
  • FREE BONUS #4 The Powers Within You Audio                     ($47 Value)
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  • FREE BONUS #4 The Powers Within You Audio                                                                                      ($47 Value)
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Change is inevitable… but 


A never-ending life of pains and suffering - remaining a prisoner of hell, or

become a creator of your life and designing your own heaven on earth - an improved life full of joy, happiness, love, health, success, and truly become what you've always wanted to become. 


Your amazing life experiences and health are priceless, aren’t they? I know they are because 
I’ve been where you are… I didn’t want or need anything except to get my health back.

The only thing we truly have, and can lose, is our health, which inevitably means we lose our gift, life. 
The rest are just sexy accessories in our lives.

Your true health and happiness are at your fingertips...

Here I am giving you a second chance, and my hand to hold onto.

You've got nothing to lose... You’ve already lost your health, 
which really means you’ve already lost everything else. 



Get your health back. 
Become much bigger than any of your obstacles of life.
Experience true love in your family.
Have fun and quality time with your friends and family.
Do the things you’ve always wanted to do; travel, build business, help people, eat in abundance, 
enjoy life and experience unforgettable moments that build incredible memories…

to your many chronic illnesses and mysterious symptoms, and having the freedom to live your new life.

What if this was your only chance to get your 
health back, right here, right now?

 What would you do? 
 I will hold your hand until you decide you can fly on your own. 

Inaction always leads to future dysfunction. If you don’t give yourself another chance, then a month from now you will inevitably be exactly where you are right now. In fact, maybe even worse as the body isn’t getting any younger and time never goes backwards. Now is the only time and chance that matters. Take action now!

Health is your birthright!
Claim your birthright right now
With This Limited Time Offer!
You can become a Beautiful Inspiration today...
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Disclaimer: The information included here and in this ebook is comprised of my personal experiences, and years of study and research. It is for educational purposes only, and not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. The author does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The information and the opinions contained therein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements are opinion and not facts or medical evaluations. The author, publisher and distributors are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any information described hereafter.